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U1360 DVDn Winning Backstroke, med Richard Quick och Milt Nelms. De amerikanska simtränarna Quick och Nelms diskuterar teoretiskt simsätter ryggsim utifrån Bill Boomers tankar, och visar sedan med simmares hjälp ett antal teknikövkingar
Från DVDns informations sida;
Richard Quick, former Auburn University Head Men's and Women's Swim Coach; former Stanford University Head Women's Swimming Coach, 3X Olympic Coach, 12 NCAA Team Championships, 5X NCAA Coach of the Year and Milt Nelms, World-renowned coach, clinician, and artist/illustrator.
Beginning with a thorough on-deck discussion of the Posture, Line and Balance concepts as they apply to the backstroke with Coach Richard Quick. Coach Milt Nelms then validates Posture, Line and Balance concepts in the classroom through explanations and exquisite drawings that are sure to enhance your understanding of the concepts. Back in the pool, Quick builds the backstroke in a drill-by-drill progression with demonstrations enhanced with footage shot above and underwater. Quick is not only an expert stroke technician, but also exhibits an amazing degree of energy, motivation and excitement that enhances the learning in this video! Staying true to his "inside/out" philosophy of stroke development, Quick sequences through balance drills related to core body position for the backstroke. Next, building upon the core balance drills, Quick begins to incorporate the extremities as balance tools that reinforce "front quadrant swimming" for the stroke. Quick then shares progression drills that uniquely and sequentially combine the drills into a balanced and rhythmical full stroke within a 25. The drill sequences culminate with a complete look at the full stroke from both a side and head-on.
48 minutes. 2003.
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