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U1310 DVDn Starts All Strokes, med David Marsh. Marsh, tillsammans med sina assisterande simtränare, delar med sig av sina tips och tricks när det gäller starter i alla simsätt.
Från DVDns informations sida;
David Marsh, 8 X NCAA Coach of the Year, 12 X NCAA Championships at Auburn; 2 X Olympic Coach, Head Coach, Mecklenburg Aquatic Club of North Carolina; Kim Brackin, University of Texas Head Women's Swimming Coach; former Auburn University associate head coach; and Bill Pilczuk; former Auburn assistant coach and All-American Sprinter
In this instructional DVD, David Marsh, Bill Pilczuk and Kim Brackin, share the tools to generate maximum speed from the start itself through the breakout. Beginning with the forward track start (Part 1), Pilczuk presents proper foot positioning on the block, weight distribution, balance, and body lean. In Part 2, Marsh and Pilczuk detail the importance of holding a strong and rigid line when the swimmer hits the water to increase acceleration. He includes a jump and a dive sequence, both designed to help develop agility and body position awareness. Pilczuk then combines the set up with the launch for practicing the full dive. (Part 3) Marsh discusses the importance of making "soft changes" in transitioning from the actual dive into the breakout. Pilczuk then puts the entire start together at full speed. He then discusses the importance of the pre-race start routine. Next, (Part 4) Marsh discusses the components of the exchange including the athleticism of the whole body launch for advanced relay take-offs and discusses the components for a beginning level exchange. Also discussed is the 50/50-split responsibility between the swimmer finishing and the swimmer taking off in the success of the exchange. In Part 5, Marsh introduces Kim Brackin who presents a progression paralleling the forward start sequence with set up, launching drills, and the full start, including strategies for the entry, kickout, and breakout. Brackin also shares other valuable tips for a successful backstroke start.
38 minutes
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