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U2130 Next Wave Techniqie Butterfly - DVD film med David Marsh och simteknink i fjärilsim
Språk - engelska
Längd - 48 minuter
Features & Benefits
Start explosively and carry the power of an explosive start into your raceDevelop the most effective trajectory and entry angle for a faster startDiscover the secrets to great relay startsLearn how to effectively use wedge-equipped blocks
with David Marsh, Head Coach, SwimMAC Carolina (3 consecutive USA Swimming Club Excellence Championships); 2016 USA Women's Olympic Team Head Coach, 12x NCAA Championship and 8x NCAA Coach of the Year (Auburn), 3x USA Men's Olympic Team Assistant ('12, 00, '96); has coached 49 Olympians from 19 different countriesTwelve-time NCAA National Championship coach David Marsh shows you how to establish a straight, tight entry line to maximize carrying speed from the start into the water. He covers traditional start drills as well as creative and innovative drills he has developed while working with his world-class swimmers maximize their starts.
Forward Starts Beginning with forward starts, Coach Marsh addresses safety considerations, pre-race routines, and proper set-up on the blocks. His forward start progression trains swimmers to execute safe starts with the correct body line to carry the power of the start into their race. He discusses the differences in forward starts for freestyle, breaststroke and butterfly, and covers relay exchanges from approach to finish, demonstrating exchanges for freestyle and medley relays. Coach Marsh also addresses common forward start errors and shares drills that can help swimmers correct these errors.
Backstroke Starts In backstroke starts, Olympic medalist and world record holder Nick Thoman describes his newer style powerful backstroke start. He begins with a straighter back and places his feet higher than in the past. He focuses on getting as much distance as he can and enters the water on his ideal backstroke line instead of the more traditional high amplitude start. Coach Marsh addresses adjustments that must be made for different starting conditions. He discusses transitions and demonstrates a staggered stroke breakout technique that can get you up and into your race with power.
This season, carry the power of your start into your race and take full advantage of your speed off the block.
48 minutes. 2014.
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