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U1320 DVDn Pilates for swimmers. June Quick går igenom landövningar som är framtagna för att stödja simmarna för en effektivare simning. Hon börjar med en teoretisk genomgång av kroppen, och visar sedan simspecifika pilates övningar.
Från den amerikanska hemsidan;
with June Quick, Licensed Physical Therapist, Certified Athletic Trainer, Certified Pilates Instructor, and Stanford Swimming consultant
In this video, June Quick shares this unique on-land program for swimmers inspired by the program in use by the successful Stanford Women's Swimming team. The goal is to assist a swimmer in establishing posture, line, and balance on land that can be transferred into the pool. Quick's program intertwines Pilates exercises to strengthen the core and shoulder girdle, yoga exercises to increase flexibility and lung capacity, and resisted stretching exercises to accommodate the use of the extremities while maintaining posture, line, and balance of the core. Quick begins this video with a brief anatomy review of the body core and shoulder muscle areas that the program targets: Areas crucial to swimmers in maintaining a proper posture, line, and balance in the water. She continues with the actual program starting with Pilates on the long roll, followed by Resisted Stretching, & finally some Yoga mixed in with Swim-specific Pilates exercises with a focus on upper and lower body core development, core and extremity flexibility, and shoulder girdle strength. The program is sure to teach swimmers how to move from "the inside/out"; all limb movement starts with the core first, a perfect complement to the concepts of posture, line, and balance that is the theme of Championship-Winning Swimming!
35 minutes.
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