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U1480 DVDn Getting Better for Faster Backstroke, med David March. March talar om enkelheten i simsätter ryggsim, och delar med sig praktiskt om sina tankar och olika teknikövningar.
Från DVDns informations sida;
David Marsh, 8 X NCAA Coach of the Year, 12 X NCAA Championships at Auburn; 2 X Olympic Coach, Head Coach, Mecklenburg Aquatic Club of North Carolina
Coach David Marsh feels that the key for faster backstroke is simplicity. First, Marsh will help you simplify your body position by teaching you how to achieve a "tall and flat" posture in the water. Simplifying the pull pattern involves a solid bent elbow catch and a straighter linear throw to the finish of the pull that creates a quick transition into the recovery. This simplicity brings about a faster stroke tempo with less energy spent so that you can swim faster longer in backstroke races. To accomplish this system for the stroke, Marsh will take you through a combination of breakdown drills that isolate particular stroke segments and flow drills that connect the isolated components into a flowing efficient stroke. Along with the technique instruction, Marsh will give you "tips" for swimming faster backstroke detailing the stroke, race tips and how to take advantage of utilizing the flags for turns and finishes. Demonstration from World Champion Margaret Hoelzer and NCAA All-American Doug Van Wie greatly enhance this presentation.
55 minutes
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