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U1350 DVDn Winning Freestyle, med Richard Quick och Milt Nelms. Tränarna Quick och Nelms går igenom simsättet frisim med utgångspunkt från Bill Boomers tankar genom diskussioner på bassängkanten, men flyttar också ner tankarna i vattnet och visar ett antal teknikövningar.
Från DVDns informations sida;
Richard Quick, former Auburn University Head Men's and Women's Swim Coach; former Stanford University Head Women's Swimming Coach, 3X Olympic Coach, 12 NCAA Team Championships, 5X NCAA Coach of the Year and Milt Nelms, World-renowned coach, clinician, and artist/illustrator.
In Championship Winning Freestyle, Richard Quick sets the foundation for his Posture, Line and Balance theme with an on deck discussion/demonstration of the freestyle followed by a full stroke overview in the pool. Quick calls on Coach Nelms to validate the Posture, Line and Balance concepts incorporating Bill Boomer's "inside out" philosophies in an easy-to-understand presentation enhanced by masterful illustrations. With the concept of Posture, Line and Balance clearly defined, explained and illustrated on-deck and in the classroom, Quick returns to the pool where he shares the drill progressions that build the stroke from the core to a full rhythmical stroke. Quick is one of the finest motivators in the world and as the drills are demonstrated, he adds tremendously valuable coaching concepts. The demonstrations are extremely insightful with the inclusion of excellent above and underwater footage. Championship Winning Freestyle is the most comprehensive freestyle instruction ever available anywhere.
54 minutes
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